Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Power Rankings: Hollywood Writers' Strike Edition!

It's a Hollywood writers' strike overload! Following up on yesterday's strike tirade, I've decided to dedicate another special Power Rankings to their uncreative strike signs. So Hollywood writers, listen up. I know you're not the creative types, but here's five ideas that take your vaunted "On Strike" slogan out to the woodshed.

1.) "More coke now"

Pros: gets the executives where it hurts. Makes them understand that writers want the same things out of life as producers.

Cons: may implicate writers in illicit activities.

2.) "Royalties, not loyalties"

Pros: rhymes. Also, establishes writers' sense of independence as a segment of the industry.

Cons: kind of stupid. And it rhymes, which is pretty lame.

3.) "Current royalties worse than Snakes on a Plane"

Pros: helps the execs understand the writers' position. I mean, Snakes on a Plane is a pretty universal identifier for terrible.

Cons: may anger Samuel L. Jackson.

(You do NOT want to see me angry!)

4.) "Burn, Hollywood, burn!"

Pros: strong visual language. Helps convey the proletarian anger of writers.

Cons: may hurt public credibility. Fire is a sensitive issue in southern California at the moment (or so I hear).

(When it comes to fair contracts, Tina Fey is one mean girl. Hey oh!)

5.) "Save us from John Leguizamo"

Pros: asserts the fundamental dignity of the writers. How could anyone wish Leguizamo's company on them?

Cons: can't see any. Executives would be monsters to igno
re this plea.

(Fine! We'll work for peanuts. Please, we beg you, just take away Leguizamo.)

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