Friday, 9 November 2007

Weekly Hebdomad

We count down the strike-filled week that was . . .

7.) Weekly "If Four Episodes of Seinfeld a Day Weren't Enough":

With a shortage of scripts, it looks like some of your favorite shows are going to syndication . . . which in the case of "Heroes" may mean the first season repeated three times.

6.) Weekly "Not my '24'!":

Apparently Fox will not air new episodes of '24' as long as there's a risk of interruption. My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest strike of my life . . .

5.) Weekly "Excuse to Play Clips of Schwarzenegger":

Arnold wants the strike to stop . . . NOW!

4.) Weekly "The Obvious Joke":

"Hollywood Suffers from Writer's Block"

Great work ""

3.) Weekly "Putting the Ball on the Tee":

Props to the less than creatively titled article on this one:
“Without them, I’m not funny!”

That’s how “The Tonight Show” host, Jay Leno, paid tribute to his popular talk-comedy program’s writers, after they stopped working and joined US TV-film writers’ first strike in nearly 20 years.

It's not the writers, Jay. No, no it's not the chin, either. Look, this is getting awkward. You're just not funny.

2.) Weekly "Get over Yourself":

Even writers working on a post-Katrina show that is set in New Orleans and is being shot on location are striking. I hope they teach the city something about enduring hardship . . . and then go screw themselves.

1.) Weekly "Thing You Need to Know":

As always, Gary Oldman has the answer. Here's his message to the writers:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, I am in Mexico and apparently my computer or this site knows that... everything is suddently in spanish.

Anyway, just for everyone's benefit, must have been reading the penetrating commentary on Creative Differnces--yesterday they had an article about the underwhelming quality of the signs in the writers strike. Apparently some writers blamed it on the fact that they didn't want to be made fun of if they wrote a sign that wasn't quite as witty as they'd originally thought.

I really ought to count as 1 full reader Sam. I took offense to your .5 estimate.